
domenica 15 dicembre 2013


Posted: 2013-12-08
From: Mathaba ita+eng
Sheik Mohamed Al Bargouty si trovava in una prigione clandestina d Zawia dal 2011.

Finalmente è stato rilasciato Sheik Mohamed Al Bargouty, capo carismatico della tribù di Warfalla dai suoi carcerieri della città di Zawia.

Si trovava in un carcere dal 2011 e in questi 2 anni non ha subito nessun processo perchè nessun crimine ha commesso.

La sua unica colpa è stata quella di essere rimasto fedele fino all'ultimo alla sua patria e al legittimo governo popolare che la governava.

Al Bargouty non ha mai tradito la Jamahiriya, ha sempre dichiarato che la ''rivoluzione del 17 Febbraio'' in realtà è stata solo una falsa rivoluzione, un colpo di stato manovrato dalle potenze colonialiste.

Con la liberazione di Sheik Mohamed Al Bargouty la tribù dei Warfalla ha riottenuto una grande guida nella lotta contro i ratti che stanno appestando la Libia.

Festeggiamenti si sono registrati nella città di Bani Walid, città da sempre fedele agli ideali della Jamahiriya.

gcse Fonte:

Libya: Leader of Warfalla Freed
Posted: 2013-12-09
From: Mathaba
Sheik Mohamed Al Bargouty was held in a clandestine prison in Zawia since 2011

The captors of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Bargouty the charismatic leader of the tribe of Warafalla has been released by his captors after being held since 2011.

Having been held for 2 years he was released because there was no process and no crime had been committed by him. His only "crime" had been to remain loyal to his nation and to the legitimate Jamahiriya system of democratic government that was overthrown by the massive NATO bombing throughout most of 2011.

Al-Bargouti along with his tribe showed the true honourable values of nobility and courage in never betraying the Jamahiriya and always declared that the "February 17" conspiracy was a fake revolution and in fact a coup d'etat by the former colonial powers of Libya, France and Britain aided by Italy and the USA.

These former colonial powers destroyed the Libyan Jamahiriya along with its phenomenal achievements in the economic, social, spiritual and material realms, as well as democracy and human rights, by using Arab slaves especially from Qatar but also traitors from other Arab countries, including those recruited in France.

His release was celebrated in Bani Walid, the capital of the Warfalla tribe, which remains loyal to the principles and ethics as well as supreme moral values and ideals of the Libyan Jamahiriya.


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