Il primo ministro del governo di accordo nazionale della Libia, Fayez Sarraj, ha detto a Sputnik che invita i sostenitori dell'ex capo Muammar Gheddafi a tornare in patria per dare una mano a risolvere i problemi del Paese. “Invito tutti i libici a tornare in Libia per tenere riunioni politiche in modo da risolvere insieme i problemi. Se ciò non accadrà, la situazione peggiorerà, il numero dei profughi crescerà sia all'interno del Paese sia nel mondo, e i libici soffriranno ancora di più” ha detto Sarraj rispondendo alla domanda se i sostenitori di Gheddafi emigrati all'estero potessero partecipare alla vita politica del Paese.

Prime Minister of the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) Fayez Sarraj told Sputnik that he calls on supporters of former leader Muammar Gaddafi to return to the country in order to help solve its problems, the head of the cabinet told Sputnik. "I call on all the Libyans to return to Libya, to gather and hold public, political meetings, to solve the problems together. If this does not happen, the situation will worsen, the number of refugees will increase both within the country and in the world, it will cost the Libyans even greater torment," Sarraj said, answering a question on whether the Gaddafi supporters, which had emigrated abroad, could take part in the political life of the country. In 2011, an armed conflict broke out in Libya between forces controlled by the long-standing leader of the country Muammar Gaddafi and various armed groups. Gaddafi was overthrown and assassinated in October 2011. Since then, Libya has experienced a period of turmoil. Following the 2011 events, many Gaddafi supporters emigrated abroad, fearing persecution at home.