
mercoledì 4 dicembre 2013

Almeno 40 morti in un esplosione vicino Sebha

Posted: 2013/11/29 ita+eng
From: Mathaba

Esplosione in una base militare libica, il bilancio potrebbe peggiorare.

Una violentissima esplosione ha sconvolto la base del' aviazione Libica di Brak Al Shatti, situata nell'area desertica a nord della città di Sebha.

L'esplosione ha causato 40 morti e decine di feriti gravi ma il bilancio sembra destinato ad aggravarsi.

Non è ben chiara la dinamica dell'incidente ma fonti governative hanno indicato che a causare l'esplosione sia stato il furto di munizioni di carrarmato stipate all'interno della base da parte di cittadini del luogo e immigrati di altri paesi.

Ovviamente non è possibile confermare la versione governativa.

Quello che risulta chiaro è la mancanza di sicurezza: anche se fosse vero che l'esplosione non sia causata da un attacco di combattenti contro il governo di occupazione ma da ladri di armamenti c'è da chiedersi come può essere possibile che civili si introducano in massa in una base dell'aviazione militare indisturbatamente.

Questa è la Libia di oggi, un Paese allo sbando.


At least 40 killed in an explosion near Sebha
Explosion at a military base in Libya

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A violent explosion shook the foundation of the Libyan air force Brak Al Shatti base, located in the desert area north of the city of Sebha in the deep south of the country.

The explosion caused 40 deaths and dozens of serious injuries but the cost looks set to worsen.

It is not quite clear how the accident occurred but occupation regime sources have sought to blame the explosion on locals and "immigrants from other countries".

What is clear is the lack of security in Libya, Africa's most wealthy, peaceful and secure country before the toppling of democracy via an almost one-year long bombing by Europe-USA "NATO" air forces and the installation of criminal elements into power after being sprung from the prisons.

The pro Jamahiriya movement in South Europe, Green Charter South Europa (GCSE), commented that even if it were true that the explosion was caused by an attack of fighters against the occupation government but by the theft of weapons you have to wonder how it can be possible that civilians could enter en masse into an airforce base undisturbed.

"This is Libya today, a country in disarray", the co-ordinator of GCSE noted. (Follow GCSE on Twitter here).

It is to be remembered that the overthrow of Libya started after the release from prisons in early 2011 of thousands of violent extremists and psychopaths, who then hijacked a demonstration by Egyptian workers in support of the uprising in Egypt, and conspired with sniper sharp-shooters supplied by Israel and France who shot demonstrators in the head to whip the crowd into a frenzy, believing them to be security forces.

The crowd then marched on a local police station, the police fled leaving behind weapons, as police in the Libyan Jamahiriya were trained that they are an "extension of the people" and never in opposition to them. The crowd manipulated by the criminal elements with an agenda already planned by Israel, France and Britain's intelligence services, then proceeded thus fully armed, and marched on a local military base.

The same occurred at the military base and now armed with heavy weapons and with their ranks swelled by hundreds of violent prisoners who they sprung free from the prison, the military too fled leaving behind stores of heavy weapons which were for the defense of Libya against foreign invasion and threats. In a matter of days Benghazi was thus taken over without any counter attack as confusion reigned.

At the same time over the coming days in the fateful February 2011 plot the western and Arab hostile media broadcast lies that had circulated from unverified Twitter accounts that the Libyan Air Force was bombing Benghazi. Although these claims were proven by satellite images provided by Russia showing that no flights at all took place during the period with clear skies, the population thus confused were neutralized.

For the next 8 months NATO bombed Libya in tens of thousands of sorties in alliance with the criminal elements on the ground who came to be termed "rats" and were called "revolutionaries" by western media, while in actual fact they were counter revolutionaries allied with Al-Qaida and other extremist and sectarian groups, set to take over Libya which had been a bastion of human rights and freedoms for many decades.

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